
St John’s URC Ipswich Diary

Regular Events at Present

Worship for All.   Communion first Sunday of each month included with the online service.
Monday Tuesday Wednesday 7.30pm Local AA Group Meeting Thursday 5.00pm 2nd Hamilton Rainbows 6.15pm 40th Ipswich Brownies 7.00pm/2:30pm Church Meeting (5 meetings per Year) Friday


10.45 am on Sundays Worship for All

at which you will find a warm welcome

Services last about 55 minutes. Our Worship Leaders include Ministers, such as our own Ipswich and East Minister Rev David Rees and Adam Earle, plus some excellent lay preachers, also including our own two lay preachers, Sara Pells and Peter Dawson. We use a large screen to pr oject elements of the service including the hymns.
Minister’s Letter

Our Communion Service is held on the first

Sunday in the Month

All age ‘Celebration Services’ are held with inputs from Rainbows, Brownies and Pre-School when circumstances permit.
Seeing through the blindness The healing stories of Jesus in the gospels are full of nuance. On the surface they about a person being physically healed from, say, blindness. But in every case there is also a subtext, something else is going on and the healing doesn’t take place just physically. It is an invitation and there is always a deeper purpose. In the case of blindness and restored sight, there is also spiritual blindness being exposed in the Pharisees or the onlooking crowd or sometimes the disciples and, by extension, you and me. The healing of the spiritual blindness is left unresolved long after the physical healing has taken place. It leaves us with an open question, where are we blind and how do we receive this real, deep and lasting sight. Arguably, its this second strand that is the point of the healing stories, and we can easily get bogged down in the flashy miracle rather the underlying theme. In the case of blindness, whether or not we are healed in body, the writers of the gospels want us to see clearly that God is at work in the world around us and in us. But often we are too blind and refuse to see. David Adams in his book, Powerlines, has a poem titled, Vision. It expresses the heartfelt prayer:- O Lord, Extend our vision, Our clearness of sight. Open our eyes to see Beyond the obvious, To perceive that this is your world. You are in it, You invade it, You pervade it, You enfold it, It is immersed in you. Here we encounter you, Here we meet you, Here you come to us, Here your presence waits to be revealed. Blessings David
O Lord, Extend our vision, Our clearness of sight. Open our eyes to see In the depth of reality, Your grace, Your goodness, Your glory, To see that we dwell in you, That you are in us, That you are with us always. Here you offer us your kingdom.

Room Hire

Below are the main rooms availab le followed by an interactive guide on hiring space at St John’s. The Booking Forms below the pictures of the spaces offer two ways to start the process of Booking. What is different between the methods can be seen in the interactive guide. The Main Hall Upstairs
This is used for Pre-school every weekday during term-time. Also by Brownies and Rainbows on Thursdays. Other than the Sanctuary, it is the largest space in the building and has kitchen fa ci lities just off the hall. Room 1 This is a regulary used space, including use as a Polling Station! It is easy to mak e all sorts of furnitur e arrangements. It is also straight off the main lobby so ma kes for easy access.
Rooms 4 and 5 A useful space, with a divider, so it can be made cosy or more open. It is used as a double room by the AA Group on a Wednesday evening regularly throughout the year. There is flexi bility in the setting of the furniture.
The Sanctuary The sanctuary is also very flexibl e in layout, but as the chairs are m ore substantial, re-arrangements r equire much more work. Ther e is a loop sound system and a projection screen. The organ console se en in the picture to the left is moveable. The organ pipes can be seen above the congregation seating ar ea in the picture below.
Last, but not least, are the supporting areas. There are toi lets on both floors including baby changing and disabled facilities on the gr ound floor. There is a small lift in the entrance lobby for people to get to and from the upper floor. Finally, each flo or has kit chen facilities. The pictures are of the downstairs kithen. There are toilets on both levels with a disabled facility on the ground floor.

Below is a brief guide to hiring a room in St John’s.

Booking Rooms at St John's URC Ipswich

Initial Considerations When? Day? Time? Looking at the Church Diary will give you an indication of any availabilty Click here . How long needed for Booking Including : Setting Up, Clearing Up What Space Do You Really Need What Sized Space? How Many People? How Many Tables? How Many Chairs? Do You Need Kitchen Facilities? £ COST: Price on Application Please note that it will vary with the frequency of use and, in colder parts of the year, the heating requirements.
Car Parking This is really difficult so assume it is NOT AVAILABLE Conditions of Booking Summary No Smoking, No Exit Blocking Restrictions on Alcohol You Must
Take all precautions on safety Have Public Liability Insurance - See Conditions Document for Guidance on Public Liability Insurance requirements. Comply with all Laws On: Health and Safety Safe-Guarding of vulnerable adults and children Food Hygiene Entertainment Licences
• •
Disability Equality Clean and Tidy Up after the event with everything returned to its original place!
2 Download a form and complete it and return to: roombooking@stjohnsurcipswich.org.uk Simple and you can work on it when you have time and can check information. The form is a fillable PDF but you may need to print it still if your PDF reader is not able to cope with it.
Conditions PDF

Contact Details

St John’s URC Ipswich Our Postal Address is: St John’s United Reformed Church 1 Cowper Street Ipswich Suffolk IP4 5JD United Kingdom Office Telephone (Answer Machine) 01473 724961 Please use the adjacent contact form. Minister: Rev David Rees/Rev Adam Earle (Ipswich and East) or email: minister@stjohnsurcipswich.org.uk
Church Secretary:
You can use the form below for any enquiry