Our Vision   is to be a friendly, caring church, serving the local community and wider world through our faith in Jesus Christ.
This is the regular publication containing news of events and our church life. You could help by sending content to advance@stjohnsurcipswich.org.uk
Revd Adam Earle and Revd David Rees Look after St John’s and 5 other URC Churches: Castle Hill, Felixstowe, Saxmundham, Leiston LEP and, most recently, Hadleigh They work closely together so if you need to contact a minister, either one of them would be willing to hear from you and offer help as necessary. David’s email: revdrees@gmail.com phone: 01473 402721 Adam’s email: revaje@outlook.com phone: 01473 411316
Services at St John’ s These ar e at 10:45 normally
02 Mar
Sunday W orship & Communion Led by Re v David Rees
09 Mar Sunday W orship Led b y Keith Scarff
16 Mar
Sunday W orship
23 Mar
Sunday W orship Led b y Rev Lythan Nevard, Moderator
30 Mar
Sunday W orship Led by Peter Dawson
Led by Rev Liz Fox
06 April Sunday Worship & Communion Led by Allison Smith