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Revd Adam Earle and Revd David ReesLook after St John’s and 5 other URC Churches:Castle Hill, Felixstowe, Saxmundham, Leiston LEP and, most recently, HadleighTheyworkcloselytogethersoifyouneedto contactaminister,eitheroneofthemwouldbe willingtohearfromyouandofferhelpas necessary.David’s email: revdrees@gmail.comphone: 01473 402721Adam’s email: revaje@outlook.comphone: 01473 411316
Sunday Worship Led by Rev Lythan Nevard, Moderator
30 Mar
Sunday Worship Led by Peter Dawson
Led by Rev Liz Fox
06 April Sunday Worship & Communion Led by Allison Smith
St John’s URC Ipswich Diary
Regular Events at Present
Worship for All. Communion first Sunday of each monthincluded with the online service.
Monday Tuesday Wednesday7.30pmLocal AA Group Meeting Thursday5.00pm2nd Hamilton Rainbows 6.15pm40th Ipswich Brownies7.00pm/2:30pm Church Meeting (5 meetings per Year) Friday
10.45 am on Sundays Worship for All
at which you will find a warm welcome
Serviceslastabout55minutes.OurWorshipLeadersincludeMinisters,such asourownIpswichandEastMinisterRevDavidReesandAdamEarle,plus someexcellentlaypreachers,alsoincludingourowntwolaypreachers,Sara PellsandPeterDawson.Weusealargescreentoprojectelementsofthe service including the hymns.
Minister’s Letter
Our Communion Service is held on the first
Sunday in the Month
All age ‘Celebration Services’ are held with inputs from Rainbows, Brownies and Pre-School when circumstances permit.
The Journey of Lent: More Than Just Giving Up ChocolateLentishereagain,startingonAshWednesday,thisyearonthe5thMarch.It’sthattime ofyearwhenwe’reallsupposedtogivesomethingup—chocolate,crisps,wine,social media,ormaybeevencaffeine(ifyou’rebraverthanme!).Butisthatreallytheheartof Lent? Or is there something deeper?Itseemstomethatatitscore,Lentisaboutreflection,renewal,anddrawingcloserto God.It’sajourney,notapunishment.It’saboutmakingspace—clearingawaythe cluttersowecanfocusonwhatreallymatters.Jesusspent40daysinthewilderness preparingforhisministry,andinsomesmallway,we’reinvitedtodothesame. “Createinmeacleanheart,OGod,andrenewarightspiritwithinme”(Psalm 51:10).AfriendofmineoncedecidedtogiveupnegativityforLent.Insteadofcuttingouta favouritefoodorsoapopera,shechallengedherselftostopcomplaining.Everytime shecaughtherselfmoaningabouttheweatherorgrumblingaboutthetraffic,or gettingannoyedatherhusbandorchildren,shemadeaconsciousefforttofind somethinggoodinstead.Itwasn’teasy,infactattimesitwasalmostimpossible,butby Easter,shesaidshefeltlighter—freer,even.Ithadshiftedhermindsetinawayshe hadn’t expected.SomaybethisLent,insteadof(oralongside)givingsomethingup,wecouldtake somethingon.Adailyactofkindness.Moretimeinprayer.Writinglettersoremailsto peoplewhoneedencouragement.Volunteering.ActuallyattendaLentcoursethis year!Checkinginonaneighbour.SomethingthatdrawsusclosertoGodandtoone another. Ultimately,Lentisn’taboutself-denialforthesakeofit—it’sabouttransformation.It’s aboutsteppingawayfromthenoiseandmakingroomforgrace.Andifthatmeansstill havingtheoddsquareofchocolatewhilechoosingtobemorepatient,more compassionate, or more prayerful, then I reckon God will be just fine with that.Whatever you decide this Lent, may it be a time of growth, peace, unexpected joy, and may it “… renew a right spirit within me.”
Revd David Rees
Room Hire
Belowarethemainroomsavailablefollowedbyaninteractiveguideonhiringspace atStJohn’s.TheBookingFormsbelowthepicturesofthespacesoffertwowaysto starttheprocessofBooking.Whatisdifferentbetweenthemethodscanbeseenin the interactive guide.The Main Hall Upstairs
This is used for Pre-school every weekday during term-time. Also by Brownies and Rainbows onThursdays. OtherthantheSanctuary,itisthelargestspaceinthebuilding and has kitchen facilities just off the hall.Room 1Thisisaregularyusedspace,includinguseasaPollingStation!Itiseasytomakeall sortsoffurniturearrangements.Itisalsostraightoffthemainlobbysomakesforeasy access.
Rooms 4 and 5Ausefulspace,withadivider,soitcanbe made cosy or more open.It isused as adouble room by the AAGroup on aWednesdayeveningregularlythroughout theyear.Thereisflexibilityinthesettingof the furniture.
The SanctuaryThe sanctuary is also very flexible in layout,butasthechairsaremore substantial,re-arrangementsrequiremuchmorework.Thereis a loop sound system and a projection screen. The organ console seen in the picture to the left is moveable. The organpipescanbeseenabovethecongregationseating area in the picture below.
Last, but not least, are the supporting areas.Therearetoiletsonbothfloorsincludingbabychanginganddisabled facilitiesonthegroundfloor.Thereisasmallliftinthe entrance lobby for people to get to and from the upper floor. Finally, each floorhas kitchen facilities. The pictures areofthedownstairskithen. Therearetoiletsonboth levels with a disabled facility on the ground floor.
Below is a brief guide to hiring a room in St John’s.
Initial Considerations When? Day? Time? Looking at the Church Diary will give you an indication of any availabilty Click here .How long needed for Booking Including : Setting Up, Clearing UpWhat Space Do You Really Need What Sized Space? How Many People? How Many Tables? How Many Chairs?Do You Need Kitchen Facilities?£ COST: Price on ApplicationPlease note that it will vary with the frequency of use and, in colder parts of the year, the heating requirements.
Car ParkingThis is really difficult so assume it isNOT AVAILABLEConditions of Booking SummaryNo Smoking, No Exit BlockingRestrictions on Alcohol You Must
Take all precautions on safetyHave Public Liability Insurance - See Conditions Document for Guidance on Public Liability Insurance requirements.Comply with all Laws On:•Health and Safety•Safe-Guarding of vulnerable adults and children•Food Hygiene•Entertainment Licences
•Disability•Equality•Clean and Tidy Up after the event with everything returned to its original place!
2 Download a form and complete it and return and you can work on it when you have time and can check information.TheformisafillablePDFbutyoumay needtoprintitstillifyourPDFreaderis not able to cope with it.
St John’s URC IpswichOur Postal Address is:St John’s United Reformed Church 1 Cowper Street Ipswich Suffolk IP4 5JDUnited KingdomOffice Telephone (Answer Machine) 01473 724961Please use the adjacent contact form. Minister: Rev David Rees/Rev Adam Earle (Ipswich and East)or email: